We offer four sizes of tombstone ads on our website, listed here in pixels (px) for those accounts who are creating their own ad. These ads appear on our website homepage and link to your website.
The small ad size 125px by 125px (pixels).
The medium ad size comes in two configurations, horizontal or vertical.
The vertical medium ad measures 125px width by 265px depth.
The horizontal medium ad measures 265px width 125px depth.
The large ad size is basically equal to four of the small ad size boxes. The large ad size measures 265px by 265px.
Size 3x or more Open rate
Small $75/month $150/month
Medium $125/month $250/month
Large $200/month $400/month
Rich media: Expandable banner ads not available. Ads with audio must be user-initiated.
Technical: If an account is creating their own tombstone ad, we need the ad supplied as either GIF, JPG, or PNG.